Free Case Evaluations with our Mesa DUI Attorneys. Let our experienced Mesa DUI Team defend your innocence.
1731 West Baseline Rd., Suite #101 Mesa, AZ 85202 Office: (480) 448-9800
Call our Mesa DUI Attorneys if you are arrested for DUI in Mesa, Arizona. Our Mesa DUI Team can help you through your charges.
Perhaps you feel that you were unfairly arrested. Possibly you were legitimately pulled over for driving while under the influence, but don’t want a DUI to ruin your life and you would like more information on whether or not you have a case to lessen or dismiss the DUI charge. Also, if you have been charged with DUI in Mesa, Arizona, do you know your rights? For example, do you know what to expect from the court and the process? If you are unfamiliar with Mesa, Arizona DUI proceedings and law, then you want to contact a lawyer at My AZ Lawyers. The Mesa DUI attorneys at My AZ Lawyers are professional and experienced and familiar with the Mesa City court system.
Signage for My AZ Lawyers, Mesa, Arizona
In order to get the best representation and defense for you DUI case, you need the attorneys at My AZ Lawyers because they know how to navigate the court system and they are experts at Mesa, AZ DUI law. These lawyers have valuable experience and connections that benefit your case.
The judges that preside at the Mesa Municipal Court have the power to dismiss a DUI charge, and they have the discretion to decrease the penalties a person faces for the Driving Under the Influence offense. The Mesa Municipal Court is led by Presiding City Magistrate J. Matias and appointed Commissioner Richard Garcia. Consequently, all civil traffic offenses are handled by the Commissioner. Whereas, other court operations are handled by a team of 6 judges.
Our Mesa DUI Attorneys will prepare you for your appearance at this court, armed with an aggressive defense in order to fight for your desired outcome.
Also, our Mesa DUI attorneys have courtroom experience in Mesa, Arizona, and know what the judges expect, and how to give the judge a good impression of the client. In fact, there are may opportunities in court that the attorneys at My AZ Lawyers won’t miss. For example, you will be instructed about the entire court process, what your responsibilities are, and you will be updated on your case. The expert attorneys at My AZ Lawyers know what will give you a positive impact on your case and will inform you of your options throughout the process.
MESA, AZ DUI LAW | Mesa DUI Attorneys
Expect strict punishments if suspected or charged with DUI / DWI in Mesa, Arizona. Regardless of the level of offense (DUI, Extreme DUI, or Super Extreme DUI), it is crucial that you contact a Mesa, AZ DUI attorney immediately in order to lessen or dismiss the consequences and damages that you
will incur by a conviction. For instance, the set BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level set for the State of Arizona is 0.08. Therefore, the penalties for driving impaired at .08 or higher are harsh. First-time offenders convicted of DUI in Mesa, Arizona:
- 10 days jail time
- Loss of driver’s license for 90 days
- Installation of ignition interlock system in vehicle for one year
- Alcohol screening and classes
- Fees and fines (+ $1500)
It is important that you consult My AZ Lawyers in order to know your rights regarding your DUI arrest, and how you may reduce or eliminate these penalties for your offense.
Consequences for First Offense Extreme DUI in Mesa, AZ (when BAC is .15 or higher):
- Jail time (30 days)
- Loss of driver’s license (90 days)
- Ignition interlock system in vehicle (1 year)
- Alcohol classes and screening
- Fees and fines (+$2700)
- Penalties for First Offense Super Extreme DUI in Mesa AZ (BAC is .20 or higher):
- Jail time (45 days)
- Loss of drivers licensee (90 days)
- Installation of Ignition Interlock System in vehicle (18 months)
- Alcohol classes and screening
- Fines and fees (+$3200)
Salt River, Mesa, Arizona
Protect your rights, your freedoms, and your reputation by consulting with an attorney at My AZ Lawyers. A DUI conviction in Mesa, Arizona is costly; it would be in your best interest to discuss your case with an attorney who is experienced in Mesa, Arizona DUI law and court system. My AZ Lawyers can help you to resolve your case quickly.
1731 W. Baseline Road, Suite 101
Mesa, AZ 85202
Office: (480) 833-8000