Why hire My AZ Lawyers to represent your DUI case? Because unless you are versed in Arizona DUI law like the experts at My AZ Lawyers, it is important to have someone fight for your rights.
Without an attorney, are you able to competently:
- handle the arraignment?
- obtain copies of the police report?
- examine and assess the field sobriety tests, preliminary alcohol screenings, and blood or breath tests?
- give an expert opinion or come to an expert conclusion about your case?
- give yourself options?
- prepare a defense for your best possible outcome?
If you are going to hire an attorney to represent your DUI case, you might as well use the most experienced, most affordable, most convenient law firm that handles Arizona DUI law cases.
My AZ Lawyers
In particular, an attorney at My AZ Lawyers will do a preliminary assessment of your case to determine your chances of eliminating or reducing the charge / penalties, or winning a trial.
Not to mention, getting a lawyer’s opinion on your DUI charge is affordable: My AZ Lawyers offers a FREE INITIAL CASE EVALUATION. They can also discuss with you your options and determine the strengths and weaknesses of your case.
Additionally, it would be to your advantage to get an experienced AZ DUI law attorney’s advise and opinion. So now the next step is to find great representation for a reasonable fee. Again My AZ Lawyers promotes “affordable legal help for AZ,” and offers payment options and low retainer fees.
Lastly, as circumstances and uncertain increases, you would benefit from hiring an attorney. For example, field sobriety tests may be inconclusive, or there is refutable evidence that you were driving drunk, or there was no other glaring drunk behaviors observed…having a strong defense may get the prosecution to change from a DUI to a lesser offense.